Disease Names 

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Plague, Cholera, and Giardia are pet names that will help you maintain social distance. 

I can't come into work, I have been exposed to COVID.      

Names of this type:
Staphylcoccus - the perfect name for your lab's mascot.
Syphilis - great name for the cat that likes to hide in the corners.
Chlamydia - a direct energy parasite and a great name for a Koala (appearantly they have a real problem with this).
HSV AKA Herpies Simplex - for the pet that never goes away.
HPV AKA Papilloma Virus AKA Genital Warts - for a Chinese Crested,
Molluscum Contagiosum - a better name for a snail has never been had.
Trichomoniasis AKA Trich - befitting a cat with a bad attitiude.
MRSA AKA Methacillin Resistant Staph Aurius - a bearded dragon that should be feared.
The Plague AKA The Black Death AKA Yersinia Pestis - a perfect name for a prarie dog.
Malaria - I was absent because I had Malaria over the weekend (I spent the weekend with our oddly named Cockatiel):
COVID - no Solicitors, we have COVID.
Scurvy - this is me parrot Scurvy.
Pellegra - a great name for a red neck hound dog.
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