Conspiracy Names 

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Big Brother may be a hamster, but he is definately watching you.

Names of this type:
The Walls  - be careful the walls have ears, yes The Walls is a guppy, but . . .
The FBI , NSA, etc. - I saw the FBI in my backyard this morning.
They - name your cat They and then cautiously tell your neighbor, "They have been watching me."
The Alien - The Alien has been digging holes in my back yard. The Alien is a three-year-old Dachshund.
The Luminati - The Luminati destroyed all my notes, the dog ate my homework, same thing.
The Trilateral Commission - The Trilateral Commission has been digging in my garbage. The Trilateral Commission is a curious yellow lab.
The Freemasons - The Freemasons have been leaving scratchmarks on my possesions to let me know they think they are in charge. The Freemasons is a cat who needs a scratching post.
The Deep State - The Deep State is trying to control me. The Deep State is your cat and he does want to control you.
The CIA - I have seen the CIA looking in my neighbor's windows. The CIA is my cat.
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